Thursday, December 1, 2016

2-18-2001: To Mom, With Love...

To Mom, with Love...

When I was very, very small,
I firmly believed you knew it all...
But as a teen, of course - I knew,
just, a little bit more than you.

Cradled in your loving arms -
protected, sheltered - kept from harm.
I grew up happy, with love to spare;
joy and laughter - plenty to share.

LeDon and I, we had the best...
we were always the envy of all the rest.
You always loved us - this we knew;
you showed it in everything you would do.

From matching dresses, to barbie clothes -
you showered us with love from our heads to our toes.
Birthday cakes, handmade with care -
something special every year!

All of our friends wanted YOU for THEIR mom;
and you always made them feel at home.
You made holidays wonderfully fun -
they were always special, every one.

And through the years, you taught us well;
and always caught us when we fell.
But when I became a mother too,
I realized I'd never know as much as you.

You're the prettiest, the smartest, the best mom ever -
How did I get so lucky... how did you get so clever?
And as I try to follow your footsteps with care;
I am happy just knowing you will always be there!

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