Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Things to do... places to be.
Things to take care of and people to see.
Busy you, busy me...
Imagine where the world would be,
without Him to guide our spirit -
a voice of Wisdom - if you can hear it.
Running here, and running there...
Always running, everywhere.
On the go - in a hurry to die -
never really knowing why.
We push ahead, on our life’s journey...
Though the path is rocky and sometimes thorny -
and we forge our way, through good times and bad -
for the most part, being thankful, for the good times we’ve had.
But we don’t understand, the one thing we should...
that the bad times are what teach us, more than the good.
We should be most thankful for those difficult days -
for they have helped us in many ways.
Durations of despair, lasting any length...
It is those times, that build spiritual strength.
Most of us don’t notice - as we crawl in our hole -
but what we do, on days of sadness, is look into our soul.
Whether you are aware, or not...
You maintain a special spot.
God is present in your life, as much as you allow -
But regardless of acceptance, He loves you anyhow.
This life is just an experience... to teach us right from wrong.
It’s His way of building our character - letting us struggle, our whole life long.
But His world is always waiting...
The pains of this world, abating -
While constantly, we struggle and worry...
Why are we in such a hurry?
Life is too short to be callous and cold -
before we all know it, we will be old.
And the thing God hopes, that we will all learn,
as we go through this life - and suffer and yearn -
is that the very most important part,
comes from matters of the heart...
It’s that we love, that we nurture... we learn to care.
It is simply to know that He is there.

The first lesson in life, as a babe, in warm arms -
we learn that kind person will keep us from harm.
And the one thing that’s certain...
The one thing we know... is that, that love will always be there.
And the love that they give us - it helps us to grow -
and it shapes us in ways we couldn’t possibly know.
God’s love, does the same, in a spiritual way -
“Intuition” or “instinct”... “gut feelings”, you say?
That is God... urging you, every day -
to do what is right - to do what is good.
Imploring you always, to do what you should.
Though God’s arms are not flesh... they are a safe mesh -
to keep us from falling too far.
Throughout your life... in melee and strife,
He watches over you, wherever you are.
Opportunities, He presents, when needs arise -
and discipline, He provides, to make us wise.
In this busy world, as we go through each day -
hurrying, worrying, and pushing Him away -
He loves us, regardless... of what we do, or don’t, say.
But we should try to thank Him, once in a while, anyway.

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