Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Where is My Mind?

As I sit here tonight and rethink the day,
there were so many things, I wanted to say...
Of course, I can’t remember ten minutes ago -
so how in the world, will I ever know...
The thoughts that came earlier -
just hours ago?
They leave a curious gnawing, and a humbled ego.

Sometimes I wonder, why my mind leaves me...
And then I worry that no one believes me.
I’m young - it’s true - but I’m a mother too...
And that, in itself, can age you.

Four children, I’ve born -
and kissed every morn’
and years, I have watched, roll away.
I married too young...
Never could hold my tongue -
and asked God for strength every day.

And when my mind fails me,
and this body ails me...
I just have to remember to pray.
Then God reassures me -
comforts and lures me -
to play the game, His way.

He tells me, He will sustain me,
and strengthen my body again...
And He will not restrain me,
from straying, a bit, now and then.
But then, in the same breath,
I hear Him ask me -
to try harder every day...
To keep Him, on my mind,
and my troubles behind -
and to watch the things I say.

For we are living in a dreadful age -
when God is thought of,
less and less...
And before we turn another page,
we must caution, persuade and press.
I am frightened, for mankind,
so there are some things that I must stress...
For, if we all, lose sight of Him,
the world will be a mess.

I’m afraid, my friend,
it’s just a matter of time,
before the light, goes dim...
So help me, to remind the world,
where we would be without Him -
if not for the love God has for us,
even when we forget to pray...
So have faith - be cheerful;
and never fearful...
God will find a way.

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